Couples therapy

Couples Therapy

If you and your partner are seeking to improve your relationship, the team at A Seed of Hope Family Counseling Center in Portage and Kalamazoo, MI, offers couples therapy.

Improving Your Relationship with Couples Therapy

Relationships are a very important factor in our lives. They can play an incredible role in both quality of life and mental health.

Unfortunately, there are times when relationships founder and the partners struggle to get back on course. When this is the case, couples therapy can be vital to a successful outcome. Learn more in the guide below from the team at A Seed of Hope Family Counseling Center in Portage and Kalamazoo, MI.

Common Relationship Issues

It’s not unusual for couples to go through various struggles. Trauma, the way you and your partner were raised, life experience, self-esteem, values, and many other factors can impact how you view each other and act in relationships. The differences often lead to issues such as:

  • A lack of clarity in each of your roles
  • One partner feeling like they are doing more in the relationship or home
  • Whether to have children and/or how to raise them
  • Intimacy challenges
  • Co-Dependency
  • How to handle finances

Many couples also often lack clarity on what each considers betrayal. Generally, people agree that a physical affair is a betrayal. However, there is often disagreement on whether talking to, interacting with, or even having online relationships should be considered infidelity.

Not addressing such issues can lead to a complete breakdown in a relationship. Even if the couple chooses to stay together, one or both parties tend to be unhappy, which has a further negative impact on the relationship.

How Therapy Can Help

Therapy is personalized to the couple seeking it, so the exact benefits can vary. However, therapy can help you identify and address the challenges impairing your relationship.

It provides a safe space to be heard and talk through your thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs to work toward a middle ground. It can also help you understand one another better, learn to communicate healthily, strengthen your bond, increase your relationship satisfaction, overcome harmful behaviors and negative perceptions, increase intimacy, and much more.

Keep in mind that therapy is beneficial for all stages and challenges of a relationship. This includes pre-marriage, coping with life transitions together, infidelity, and more. Additionally, you don’t have to be struggling in your relationship, as therapy can help strengthen relationships that are already going well, too.

Let A Seed of Hope Family Counseling Center in Portage and Kalamazoo, MI, help you and your partner develop a healthy and loving relationship. Schedule your online or in-person couples therapy session by calling (269) 743-7357 today.